Wednesday, October 21, 2009


It is good for the soul.

It seems like i've been packing for months because i have been packing for months. A box here, a drawer there, a pile of clothes in the corner. I've been packing our house slowly but surely since the begining of summer. It's an exercise in futility. Every box i pack will be moved to our storage shed only to be moved back up into this very house, except into a different room (some of which are still being built). It makes my work seem silly when i look at it this way.

However, i am cleaning today. I am cleaning today because my brother-in-law was working out in the construction area of the house yesterday and screamed like a little girl when he came across a scorpion. So today i'm vaccuuming in corners that haven't seen light in months.

I can't stand creepy crawly bugs inside my house.
I know God loves his creepy crawly bugs just as much as he loves me and it is reassuring to know that they have a purpose, as well, but i'd rather they have their purpose outside my home.

So i'm cleaning.
It makes me feel better.
Maggie has been playing quietly all morning as i've done laundry, cleared away clutter, searched for places to put things away, and vaccuummed. She swings between enjoying the vaccuumm and screaming at it. I agree with her. Some days i enjoy the chore while other days i'd rather scream at it.

We are still unsure as to where we stand with DHR on the fostering to adopt plan. After 3 weeks of calling, i finally got ahold of the worker who asked a few questions, sounded unimpressed and a bit like she was looking at a hopeless cause, and promised to put an application and financial report in the mail to us. I'm not sure how this will work out.

In the mean time, we have been researching other roads to adoption. I've requested and received information from the Independant Adoption Center. The packet was articles and such on open adoption. I've read through them time and again and my huge concern is funding.

I've requested information from the Lifeline services here closer to home. A friend is also using this agency which is comforting but i'm not sure if it is the path for us. My concern again is funding. Even if we do a special needs /older child adoption from a more lenient country, it would end up being a loan we would be paying on for the next ten years....
Also: i don't want to be nearly 4 thousand dollars into this process only to find out that we can not pass a homestudy. =(

I suppose we all have our hurdles to overcome when following what we belive to be is God's patch for our lives.


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